Opera Nova a is a Garden State Opera new New York City / Northern New Jersey based opera program with the express purpose of studying and performing mostly contemporary operas of the XX Century. The program is designed to focus on the music and will culminate with a performance in concert form or semi staged. The program is tuition based with some scholarships available.  

                                                              THE PROGRAM

Opera Nova is a performance oriented program with each opera production spanning for approximately a period of 8 weeks with weekly rehearsal to be held in midtown Manhattan. There will be one performance in Manhattan and one in Northern New Jersey. The rehearsals will focus on the musical details. 

The main goal of Opera Nova is to give singers the opportunity to learn and perform mostly definitive works of the XX century. These works may be regularly produced by major opera companies but are lost in training programs and smaller opera companies. Opera Nova is committed to bridging that gap with a selective cast and experienced production team. 

The operas considered for 2022 Season are:

Scenes of Berg’s Wozzeck
 Barber’s Anthony and Cleopatra
 Scenes from Hindemith’s Mathis der Maler
 Riders of the Sea by Ralph Vaughn Williams 

The choice of the operas will be determine by the number of applicants and available singers. The operas may be double casted. The performances will be in concert form or semi staged with simple sets and costumes if applicable and with piano accompaniment with a small ensemble of musicians.

The singers will have the responsibility to come to the first rehearsal knowing their music, so that rehearsals from the start will be focusing on building the ensemble and the structure of the opera. Personal coaching will be arranged by individual singers.

Singers interested in participating in this new program are invited to send resume, photo and a video/audio link to arsnova13@gmail.com to the attention of Denise (OPERA NOVA).